Article Why you don’t want a carbon neutral electricity plan

Learn why 100% GreenPower energy plans are the best choice for the planet.

Female in her 20s with long wavy auburn hair sitting at a blonde wood and white kitchen benchtop with a laptop, cup and saucer

If you’ve signed up for a new electricity plan recently, you may have noted how much energy companies are pushing ‘carbon neutral’ plans.

They might sound pretty good. But there’s a greener option called GreenPower, and almost every electricity company sells it.

With energy prices rising, now's a good time to skill-up and get primed to shop around for a new deal.

Carbon neutral versus GreenPower

If you opt for a carbon neutral electricity plan, your energy provider calculates the emissions associated with your household energy use and purchases corresponding carbon offsets. This cancels out the emissions, so to speak.

Energy companies buy these carbon offsets from climate action projects all around the world. It could be a project like planting trees in regional Australia, landfill management in Brazil, or swapping out light fittings in India.

The problem is carbon neutral plans don’t do anything to help Australia move away from dredging-up and burning fossil fuels. They don’t do anything to remove the source of the emissions in Australia. GreenPower plans do.

Graphic demonstrating the difference between carbon neutral or carbon offset electricity plans and green power renewable electricity plans

Why GreenPower is a better choice

GreenPower is Australia’s only government accredited and audited renewable energy scheme. When you opt for a 100% GreenPower electricity plan, your energy provider has to buy the equivalent amount of electricity you use from renewable electricity generators. This helps build the renewable energy sector.

Installing rooftop solar is unviable or impossible for many people. If you're in this camp, opting for a 100% GreenPower plan is the next best thing you can do. It’s the fastest and easiest way you can help grow the renewables industry in Australia.

Pyramid shape showing 'do nothing' at the bottom, then carbon neutral electricity, then unaccredited green electricity, then GreenPower, then rooftop solar as the pinnacle of renewable energy options

How to get a GreenPower plan

Most Australian electricity companies offer certified GreenPower, but they might call it different things like green energy or green choice.

Here are 3 ways you can switch:

  1. Call and chat - Give your current provider a call and ask them to switch you to a 100% GreenPower plan.  If they tell you it’s going to cost considerably more, it might be time to shop around. Use the Energy Made Easy comparison site or give a few providers a call and ask for their best 100% GreenPower deal.

  2. Find the greenest option – Check out the Green Electricity Guide and find the top 10 greenest providers in NSW. If you want to support the companies doing the most to avoid fossil fuels, this option is for you.

  3. Find the cheapest option - We highly recommend checking out the Energy Made Easy comparison site. It’s an accurate and independent service operated by the Australian Energy Regulator and it’s fantastic for comparing the current deals from all electricity providers in one go. Make sure you tick the GreenPower filter box.

Image of energy made easy website with the tick box for green power circled

Where to get more help

If you have any queries or feedback, email us at We’d like to help you.

Why we’re talking about GreenPower electricity plans

To help reduce the devastating effects of climate change, we’re on a quest to help make all buildings in our local area net zero by 2035.

At the City of Sydney, we’ve been buying 100% renewable electricity for all our operations – 115 buildings, 75 parks, 5 pools and 23,000 streetlights – since July 2020.

Most residents and businesses in our area can’t install rooftop solar. At present, opting for a 100% GreenPower electricity plan is the next best thing. Awareness and understanding of GreenPower is low, that’s why we’re spreading the word.